Pro Reverb Blackface Mod Kit
Pro Reverb AA165 Blackface Mod Kit
This kit includes all of the electrical components, diagrams & written directions you need to perform a full blackface AA165 conversion on your silverface Fender Pro Reverb amplifier. This includes the reverb circuit!
The AA165 Pro Reverb is the equivalent (and identical to) the classic AB763 circuit of the blackface Twin, Super, and Deluxe Reverb amplifiers.
Please note: These kits are designed for the “standard” Fender silverface amplifiers. If your amp is “ultralinear”, these kits are not intended for your amp. You can tell if your amp is ultralinear by looking under the speaker jack on the back panel. ALL 70 watt & 135 watt models are ultralinear!!
For UL amps, please check out out '1/2 blackface mod'