General Fender Info
Fender Date Codes
Posted by Mike Pascale on
There are some easy ways to find out when your vintage Fender was manufactured. First, to get a general idea,there’s the appearance/style of the amp. There are some exceptions and some overlap, but the general idea is this: Tweeds (early 50’s to very early 60s), Browns (1960 – 1962), Blondes (1962 – 1963), Blackface (1963 – 1967), and Silverface (1967 – 1981). Up until the end of the blackface era (1967), all amps left the factory with a tube chart that had a two letter date code stamped on it. TUBE CHARTS: The tube chart date code works like this: ...
Speaker Wiring
Posted by Mike Pascale on
HERE ARE 3 STANDARD WIRING DIAGRAMS THAT YOU CAN USE TO WIRE UP THE SPEAKERS IN YOUR FENDER. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD EACH OF THESE DIAGRAMS AS NECESSARY. WE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING PDF LINKS: SPEAKER WIRING FOR TWO SPEAKERS: This is the standard wiring for Fender amps with two speakers. In stock Fender amps, each speaker is 8 ohms. Wired in parallel, you get the correct 4 ohm load. This is the correct wiring for the Twin Reverb, Vibrolux Reverb & Pro Reverb combos, and two speaker cabinets for the Bassman, Bandmaster, Dual Showman & Tremolux heads. 2 Speaker Wiring...