Bassman 100 - Silverface Overhaul Kit
Premium Silverface Overhaul Kits
These premium silverface overhaul kits offer everything you need to get your silverface Fender amplifier sounding & performing it’s best!! This is our famous premium overhaul kit. Add mods & upgrades available at discounted prices with purchase of our overhaul kits!
Please Note: These kits are NOT compatible with the 70W & 135W Ultralinear models!
Premium Overhaul Kits include parts & instructions for:
- Blackface Mod
- Full Electrolytic Recap: (F&T power filters, Nichicon for the preamp & bias supply). Power supply dropping resistors included.
- Signal Cap Upgrade (Mallory 150M series standard, Jupiter upgrade available)
- Includes Outside Foil Upgrade
- Preamp cathode bypass resistor optimization
- Matched power tube resistors
- Noise Fix 100K plate resistors
- Adjusting the bias
- Master Volume removal (where applicable)
Premium overhaul kits include high quality F&T filter caps. All preamp tube cathode bypass & bias caps are Nichicon, specifically selected for tone and quality.
We use only the highest quality 1/2w carbon resistors for the signal path & circuit board. Key locations in the circuit have measured & MATCHED PAIRS of resistors – vital to optimum performance and minimum phase cancellation. Flameproof 2w metal oxide resistors for the power supply. Plate resistors & preamp tube cathode bypass resistors are individually selected to be within optimum parameters.
We prouldy offer “Mallory” 150M series capacitors for the signal/coupling caps. These caps perform exceptionally well in vintage Fender circuits, providing warm, vintage tone; GREATLY enhancing the sustain, tone & performance of your silverface amplifier! Top shelf Jupiter Condenser upgrades available.
ADD MODS & UPGRADES at a discount when you buy our premium overhaul kit! Customize your vintage Fender to suit your playing style! Add our easy gain boost, tweed style preamp, sexy vibrato & more! Convert your master volume into a presence or dwell control! Every mod & upgrade is discounted if included with our overhaul kits.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the announced obsolesce and ceased production of carbon comp resistors by the larger manufacturers, we have been forced to stop using carbon comp resistors, and switched to a very high quality carbon film resistors as necessary. These specific CF resistors are now considered to be NOS, made in Japan (the company has since relocated manufacturing to another country), and the best sounding modern CF resistor available (not to be found on any of the standard amp parts suppliers websites).
*Please Note: These overhaul kits are deigned for the “standard” silverface amps, NOT the ultralinear models. To see if your silverface amp is ultralinear, look under the speaker jack on the back panel. ALL 70w or 135w amps are ultralinear and not fully compatible with these kits.*